Br’er Rabbit in the Jazz Age

1925, Indiana. The Ku Klux Klan stands at two million strong. Former slaves from the same plantation are slain, their remains turned to salt by a phantom! Local freedom fighters hire an enigmatic sleuth known as Br'er Rabbit to solve the mystery.

Artists: Erik Judson, Zilson Costa

Genre/themes: pulp, mystery, supernatural, religion, jazz, bigotry, historical fiction

Br’er Rabbit appears!
African legends, christian mythos and black magicks all collide!
Cover Mockup


When a journalist interviews a scientist couple on their creation, an unorthodox time machine which projects the past onto the present, the device malfunctions and acts on its own. Soon the family home is turned into an ever shifting house haunted by mistakes of the past.

Artist: Mac Radwanski

Genre/Themes: Sci-Fi, horror, bizarre, regrets, denial, obsession, saturn

Status: This is the first graphic novel script I ever completed. These art samples are from several years ago. At some point I want to get the pages for this story funded.
Cover Mockup
An omen of what’s to come
It’s always in the basement

Dark Arts

In the clearing of a forest that covers the world lies a village where Magic is revered as miracles from the Gods. but not all Gods are benevolent. An elder hivemind known as the Godhead governs the relationship between their people and magic. Bridging the gap between them is the loyal Chieftain Priest, who performs ritual and prayer for the village. But when a taboo figure returns, bringing revenge with them, the Chieftain Priest will face enemies from without and within.

Artist: Nela Vohenska

Genre/Themes: MAgic, supernatural, horror, hierarchy, societal taboos

Status: Graphic novel is fully scripted at about 66 pages. Several completed pages have been produced. This is something I would like to crowd fund in the future.
Cover Mockup
Past failures come home
Magic is feared and revered in Dark Arts

Exit Bag

Luis is at the end of his rope. Plagued by addiction, shedding friends and a screaming brain he decides to end his life. But his attempt is thwarted by his old imaginary friends, a chipper pink kangaroo named pepperneuse and his gruff pal Jojo. Whether a hallucination, death dream or schizophrenia, Luis finds the pair following him, determined to dispel his suicidal ideations. Worst of all a 5th dimensional enforcer pursues them, driven to cull them all for crimes against imagination. Imaginary or not, this is all happening.

Artist: tentative

Genre/Themes: Black Comedy, Depression, mental illness, slapstick, drama, trauma

Status: Wrote out a short script covering the major beats of the story but i’m looking to expand the story further. Test pages and concept art is nice but looking for something to more fit the aesthetic I’m imagining.
Where do imaginary friends go when you’re done with them?
Friends, drugs and good tunes
A wild and wily antagonist

Ten Ton Tortuga

In the Conejo clan, productivity, invention and work ethic are held to the highest of standards. Coming of age, Rabi begs his father to lead one of the most important jobs in conejo history: moving the entire town out of the path of a massive tortoise that destroyed several other clans. When the tortoise burrows itself to rest, it’s revealed the clans were forcefully uprooted onto the tortoise’s shell. The communal tortuga clan, the independent ciervos and the militaristic jaguars. Now Rabi must act as ambassador to this newly created world atop the tortoise, but ideologies collide and combat on what to do next. Coexistence? hierarchical rule? Kill the tortoise? There won’t be much time until the Ten Ton Tortuga awakens!

Artist: Martin Plsko

Genre/Themes: dieselpunk, comedy, politics, south american culture, societal norms

Status: Plot outlined. first issue scripted. Six finished pages.